Bamlab ;
Discover a space to experience and realize ideas
As the physical space of the Future Innovation Lab continued to grow and develop, in addition to the electro-lip, silent room, and blackboard room, we needed an experimental space where we could come up with any ideas; Let’s test them constantly and use various manufacturing techniques.
What better place than an abandoned roof space
Where it gives us the opportunity to test the roof prototype and revitalize the role of roofs in urban life with creative solutions and make themmore efficient and economical. Bam Lab is located in District 7 of Taran.

To build the ideas laboratory
we first constructed and equipped the construction workshop space in a space of about 5 square meters using bamboo and polycarbonate with the help of Niloufar (Ghobadi). And by changing the details and improving the construction techniques used in it, we created a larger space to host the first idea in 25 square meters. We now had a space that was ready to host the first idea in 2018, namely urban agriculture.
The combination of urban agriculture and architecture
Together with Asal (Moradi), we followed the combination of urban agriculture and architecture, the use of gray water in the building, the use of solar energy and several other issues in this space, and achieved good results in creating a pleasant atmosphere and overall production of nutritious and healthy plants.
Now, with the completion of the idea of urban agriculture and its independence, the future city offers its own experience-oriented space to host the next creative idea for interdisciplinary designers and emerging entrepreneurs.
Bamlab ; Experience-oriented space for the laboratory

If you have an idea that you need an innovative space to realize;
If you are not afraid of trial and error to realize this idea and you need an agile team; You are a member of the city of the future.